10 Top Tips to letting him go

Zelda Marsh
4 min readDec 29, 2020

We may have all experienced losing or leaving someone in our lives that have left an imprint in our hearts or souls, so i’m sure you'll understand how it feels to say goodbye and to actually mean it, even if you don’t really want to.

As some of you may have felt the tugs at the heartstrings and the anguish of having to let go of someone you have truly loved, married or spent a considerable part of you life with. It’s even harder when you still feel like you love them or you believe you still have that emotional bond attaching you together as though they were still there.

Leaving a relationship or marriage isn't just about saying farewell, departing or walking away from a person, It has so many more obstacles, timeline occasions, life situations and memories to break away from before and as much as you care to admit to yourself or not , you'll know whether or not you’re over him or whether you're just keeping him there for a comfort blanket in fear of actually giving yourself the chance to actually feel real feelings again.

It’s become evident that we more often than not still like to hold on to the exe because we feel safer there, I know that sounds crazy but it’s true, for many of us we actually really struggle to become independent, especially if we've lived with a controlling ex or have been too reliant on them making decisions for us because we felt too comfortable and trusting. Which leaves us co-dependent, vulnerable and weak.



Zelda Marsh

Author, Spiritual & Holistic Coach. working with women after Divorce to reclaim their power and passion.